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FAQs about TEAMprovising™  

How can I create TEAMprovising for my staff?

Just contact us the person(s) who pointed you to this website and tell them that TEAMprovising sounds great to you!  They can contact us to check options and arrange your event.

Milo Shapiro is based in San Diego, but options for teaching elsewhere are happily discussed.

How long is the workshop?

This, too, can be tailored. A “TEAMprovising” class is generally offered in a one-day course.   Follow-up seminars are encouraged to keep the feeling alive. 

The base course is six hours of teaching with an hour break in the middle.  Other variations are offered if the full course is beyond your time options.   

Who teaches “TEAMprovising”?

Classes can be taught by a single instructor (usually Milo Shapiro) or co-taught by Milo and one of several other excellent teachers from the San Diego area, all experienced in teaching the same forms. 

Co-teaching allows for more personalized attention in paired and small group work. Best of all, co-teaching allows for demonstration of exercises, rather than description. The lessons are more readily seen in demonstration, but either way can work effectively.

Can I get a brochure for TEAMprovising to show someone?

If you can view a PDF file, it's as easy as a click: 


"It didn't take us long to realize the effectiveness of TEAMprovising.  
In seeing what you can do in just an hour, we have confidence in recommending this remarkable experience to our clients."


-- Matt Robbins, CMP, President



©2003 by Milo Shapiro. All Rights Reserved.

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