Milo Shapiro  

Are you ready to: 

     speak effectively

         hold listener attention

              find the right words

                  move past the fear and    

                       convey your message...?


Then we're ready to help you get there!


Zoom / "At Home" for attendee who is applying a singleton to a package


First, select the drop-down option below that represents the package that you are paying for.


Second, select the button for how you'd like to pay.  

This will pass the right amount along to the next screen for you to continue payment.

Note:  If debit card is an option for you over credit card or PayPal, it's appreciated, as debit fees are a bit lower for Milo.


To pay by Venmo, please don't use the button below; just Venmo directly to "milo-shapiro" (you'll see me wearing a black suit/white shirt)


If asked for an invoice number, please put your last name and today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format,

such as smith2024-12-31


Package balance after 400 paid for first time; click the drop down to choose your desired package:


        Contact Info