Milo Shapiro The Improv Guy!     

Are you ready to: 

     speak effectively

         hold listener attention

              find the right words

                  move past the fear and    

                       convey your message...


Then we're ready to help you get there!

  Contact Info             



Payment for first appointment at $295/425 rate


IMPROVentures will pay the processing fees on the first appointment.


After your first appointment, you will have the options to

1) pay by credit card with a fee OR                  .

2) pay by cash or check with no additional fee.


Continue by clicking the "Buy Now" button below that applies to your appointment (one attendee or two).

Then you'll have the option to
log in (if paying by PayPal)
or to pay by debit/credit card by instead clicking
 "Pay with a debit or credit card, or PayPal Credit".

If prompted for an "Invoice #", please put your last name plus the date like this: 


Coaching for one person at $295:


Coaching for two people at $425:

Thank  you!